X-Ray Windows

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Enjoy a Clear View While Staying Protected With Lead-lined X-Ray Shielding Glass
Radiation shielded lead glass is a critical component in health care facilities, allowing operators and observers to have a clear view of diagnostic operations while also providing superior protection from X-ray radiation. Lead glass is formulated with 55% lead oxide by weight and 60% heavy metals, which causes the radiation to be absorbed and scatter, making it the most effective way to shield radiation with a transparent barrier.
Protection from X-ray radiation is important since cumulative exposure can cause a variety of serious health concerns, including cancer, and high exposures can cause vomiting, bleeding, fainting, hair loss, and skin loss. X-rays produce radiation, which can cause destruction of cells and harm to living tissues. While the overall risk is relatively small, it increases with cumulative exposure.
Leadglasspro.com is a major supplier of radiation shielded lead glass.
How Does Lead Block Radiation?
Lead is dense and has a large number of electrons, making it well-suited to scattering X-rays and gamma rays emitted in health care settings. These rays form photons, which impart energy to electrons when the two substances come into contact with each other.
When radiation attempts to pass through lead, lead’s electrons absorb and scatter the energy. Because the electrons in lead are so dense, the radiation collides with these electrons, moves them around inside the metal, and in the process lose their energy. Radiation goes in one side but does not pass through the other when the proper lead thickness is used, meaning that those on the other side are safely protected from radiation.
X-ray glass lead equivalencies ranging from less than 1 mm to several inches, and amplified protection can be gained through glass layering. Radiation X-ray shielding glass standard sizes range from 8 inches by 10 inches up to 96 inches by 48 inches.
Clear Views, Exceptional Protection
Leaded glass has a number of uses in the medical industry for facilities that need to provide protection against gamma rays and X-rays. Lead glass provides full radiation protection while also being fully transparent and providing high visibility, which makes it suitable for observation purposes.
Leaded x-ray glass is available in various sizes and thicknesses depending on considerations such as the type of radiation exposure, level of exposure, and proximity to equipment.
Leaded X-Ray Glass for Medical and Laboratory Applications
Lead glass has a wide range of medical and lab applications. It provides incredible visibility, which affords the ability to carefully monitor patients during treatments and procedures.
Common medical applications for leaded radiation shielding glass include:
Protective windows for medical diagnostic operations
Protective windows for laboratories
Observation windows for X-rays, CT scans, fluoroscopy, and PET imaging
Special frame options for custom solutions, including:
Telescopic view window frames for maximum vision from smaller windows
Bottom voice passage baffle for better voice transmission and communication
45-degree splayed window frame for a wider angle range of view
Vertical center mullions for extra wide control windows
Slanted, angled, or sloped X-ray glass to reduce surface reflection and visual light refraction
Vertical T-joints for less vision obstruction
Heavy lead lining, extra-thick X-ray glass, and heavier gauge steel material construction options
Need custom applications? Leadglasspro.com can also supply leaded glass with internal mini blinds for privacy in a sealed-dust-free assembly to meet federal HIPAA privacy requirements, as well as heavier gauge steel construction with abuse and impact-resistant glass set in place with tamper-resistant fasteners for security and high-risk applications such as jail or prison X-ray rooms.